Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sorry friends. I'm back.

I have let this go for so long, but a certain someone has helped me see that I should keep it, really and truly. I don’t think I’m very good at giving an accurate depiction of my life because there are limited number of things that I enjoy writing about, but I’ll continue nonetheless.

It’s that season within the summer when thunderstorms frequently, but the forecast predicts it will storm even more than it does so I extend that to believe that it’s never going to storm when they say it will.
Today I got caught in a thunderstorm while I was out running. I can’t say the storm came out of nowhere; the skies were very apparently bringing on a storm, but I didn’t believe it would come. I held firm that it may just blow over - the strong winds and the dark clouds rolling in quickly, they were meaningless, though very telling signs. Naturally, I was wrong and I got soaked head to toe. But I kept up my pace as I passed many people huddling under overhangs, deciding that if I’m going to stop the only place I want to be is home and if I’m going to get soaked, what better to be wearing than my shorts and sneaks.

My younger sister is coming to visit this weekend - I get to introduce her to the magic of New York City. It’s funny to think of myself as the connoisseur in this scenario, but that seems to be the way it is and I’m preparing to show her Manhattan’s best side. On the schedule so far is a cruise out to Lady Liberty, wandering around central park, perhaps the Natural History Museum, 2 shows - Billy Elliot and Wicked. I’m used to just the social aspects of the city, but that’s not for my 17-year-old seester. I need to work on my plan here...