Saturday, September 3, 2011

Recipe: Tzatziki Sauce

I'm attempting to make falafel for the first time tonight and I needed tzatziki sauce to accompany it. The local market didn't carry it, so I made my first attempt and it came out wonderfully. I'm making dinner for two; I think this makes more sauce than we need, so I'm going to freeze half of it. Hope dinner comes out just as well!


- 2 cups strained greek yogurt
- 1 large cucumber
- 1 t. minced garlic
- 1 t. dill
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 1 t. salt
- salt and pepper to taste


Peel and half cucumber. Remove the seeds in the center; a serrated spoon works well. Cut up the cucumber. Place in strainer with the teaspoon of salt mixed in. Allow to sit for at least 20 minutes to get the water out of the cucumber. Remove and dry cucumber with a towel.

Place cucumber, garlic, dill and lemon juice in a blender and puree. Add to the greek yogurt. Mix and salt to taste. Allow to sit for a couple hours before serving for best results.