Sunday, November 28, 2010

She Makes a Wicked Pecan Pie

Does it seem as if my blog title is a misnomer if I tell you that last week I made a pecan pie for the first time? I really can't give a perfect explanation of where my title came from, but all along I've loved cooking and baking (proof: I have a quiche in the oven as I'm writing!) and I appreciate homemade pecan pie very much (my grandmother, Honey, is well known for hers).

It's just that I myself had never made one. And that now is no longer a confession - I have. No lying, it only came out OK...but it was a great experience.

I felt this thanksgiving was a great opportunity to try it for the first time. First of all, I got to try family friends' mothers tried and true recipe. It was pretty fool proof, but I managed it get something not quite right. It tasted awesome, but when we cut into it, the inside came seeping out. It didn't congeal as it should have. Possible mistakes: too much egg or corn syrup, or more likely, the oven was too hot. I'd like to blame the oven; it's happened to me in other endeavors before, but knowing that, I should have accounted for it and turned the heat down. Second of all, while I was told I only needed to bring myself to the feast, I wanted to offer more than that and I'm glad I did. It's no secret that I find great joy in others enjoying my culinary creations, but also, I think it comes back to a universal truth - we are created to be contributors. Contributors to our families, to our work, to our earth, to Thanksgiving dinner. I love to give back even in small ways and my attempt at pecan pie last week was fulfilling, just like a strong week at work or a shift in the soup kitchen.

Who makes a wicked Pecan Pie - Baba, not Sarabeth. But she's working on it like many other things. All in time we figure ourselves out.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving all! I hope you found joy in your holiday feast just as I did. Especially grateful this weekend for my loving family, for health, for laughter, and for meaningful work. I am truly blessed.

Time to take the quiche out of the oven

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