Saturday, September 12, 2009

Forgotten Foods

We are people of habit and most of the time when we go to the market, we get the same things time and time again. There is a simple joy in rediscovering a food you had forgotten about (or maybe are discovering for the first time).

It was my birthday this week and I went to dinner at an Indian restaurant - Coromandel in Stamford, CT - with three dear friends. Upon on the girls’ prompting, we got fried cauliflower to start. (I would likely never pick this...) While almost anything fried is delicious, this was more than just that – it was fantastic.

So when I went shopping the next day, I made a point to buy some cauliflower, something new and different. For dinner today I just sautéed cauliflower with onions, green beans and almost and sprinkled some fresh parmesan on top. Simple, and so wonderful.

Rediscover a food you’ve forgotten today; it will bring a smile to your face – I guarantee it.
And on the side, I would like to say that one sign of a good restaurant is that it inspires you to cook something new when you leave.

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