Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Only Time I’m Standing Still

When I’m out running is the only time that I feel like I’m standing still and observing the beauty that surrounds me and processing the things going on in my life.

I’ve found a route about half way between my home and work that goes along tons of beautiful houses – some old and some new, some tiny and quaint, other monstrous and unfathomable. The houses alone keep me entertained with glimpses of the ocean in between, but then there is mile 3, the part I look forward to the most. In mile three I run a solid mile along the waters edge and it is wonderful. Today, it was more breathtaking than ever before. I’ve been going after work and the sun sets about an hour after that so when I hit mile 3, the sky was a blaze of hot pink and the still water of the inlet was like glass reflecting the same beauty. In between were the beautiful houses, green lush yards, Adirondack chairs, private docks and empty boats. I wish I could have captured it and held on somehow, but it’s only in mind.

As I ran along unaware of myself and wrapped up in all I could see, I realized that in all these beautiful houses lived people who own a place where they can witness this same miracle, yet I did not see one of them. All the Adirondacks were empty, all the patios bear. How could you have that opportunity and completely deny it? I fully know that I am guilty of the same sin at other times, but if people could forget about their worries and find the joy and peace that I saw in that sunset today, there would be a lot more happiness in the world.

I’m not sure when I get this opportunity if didn’t run. I want to run, I want born to run – for that hour each day there is no where I would rather be.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Baking All Things Apple

So I don't have all the proper utensils for baking...I just moved here...Who owns a rolling pin? Obviously, not me, but thank the Lord, in our apartment, we are never out of wine

When did I get here?

You know, the whole concept of feeling old is completely a social construct. People have told us all our lives what makes them feel old and then when we see that pattern in our lives, we think – o, me too! What is time that defines what we feel? And why is it that feeling old or feeling young has positive or negative effects on us? Time is what it is; it never changed and it certainly didn’t come into being the first time you suddenly felt it.

This weekend I went back to Cornell as an alumnus for the first time. I felt young again because for a weekend I got to do all the fun foolish things I once did on a weekly basis, yet I felt old because I was introduced to some freshman (born in 90s…I can’t relate to that!) who never knew me as a student – they only see me as a grad and career person (which SO does not define me, might I add).

Then maybe related or not, a student emailed me today to ask for a phone interview for research they are doing at the Hotel School. I don’t know when I became qualified to be one with insight on this, but it seems that I am. I feel old, I fully admit, but I also wish that I didn’t because I don’t believe in letting social constructs like that have an effect. I graduated and here I am today working at priceline.com and some kid wants to know about my job and workplace life. This will be interesting… Hopefully I don’t scare him

Thursday, October 8, 2009

old friends that never get old

There's something about spending time with old friends that brings such a feeling of warmth and security. Work is pretty darn hectic right now, but if I can make it through til 7pm tomorrow, everthing is going to feel right in my world... at least until Monday. Reba, Papa John's, endless hours on the couch in pjs, wine, reading at the coffee shop, making dinner... just being together. I love being alive and I adore my friends. It's going to be a wonderful weekend - not even the rain can get in my way.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

i put my hands up, they're playin my song

We spent the weekend in New Hampshire. Foliage was beautiful; weather was less than ideal, but the combination of these two factors was fantastic. The rain and low clouds/fog actually accentuated the brilliant colors of the leaves. I was so bummed by the forecast all week, but what a wonderful surprise it brought. This pictures doesn't do it justice in the least; I'll never forget the way it looked and I don't know when, if ever, I'll see it like that again.

We stay 8 of us in a cottage and had an awesome time ziplining in the mountains. There is no way to describe falling backwards off a base and screaming my lungs out as I picked up speed to about 45 mph down the line called White Knuckles (Alpine Adventures - look them up if you want a go at it). It was a fantastic experience, but I think the time I was most thankful for was the almost painful laughs the girls had in the car. We may say we're only co-workers, but I'm not fooled. These girls are so dear to me. So I put my hands up, they're playin my song, the butterflies fly away. Bobbing my head like yea, movin my hips like yea.

And as for this video, I never thought I'd be one to go see a bear ride a bike, but I guess I was wrong. And I never thought I'd be one to be impressed if I ever did... I guess I was wrong. You have to laugh at the simple things like this. It's worth it.

A great weekend.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Born to Run - don't stop believing

This morning I had to do the elliptical instead of running and let me say it was one of the more frustrating experiences. I felt like I got up 45 minutes early for no reason at all. If anything, all that I accomplished was being by my friend’s side and telling to her to keep going when she wanted to stop – I’m pretty sure I got no work out whatsoever.

I love running, everything about it, but my feet don’t agree right now. Born to Run – I believe it in my heart of hearts so how did this happen? I should see a doctor about it, but that’s just not my style right now. I’ll give it a rest for the weekend. It may be my shoes. I don’t know; I’m just frustrated

Losing Track of Time or just Losing Time

The time passes too quickly. I’ve lived in Connecticut now for MORE than 2 months – not possible, since when?? I’ve had 2 run-ins with new hires at work, but I still feel like I’m the newby. And everyday this pattern of running, working, errands, dinner and chilling out – 24 hours feel as though they have crammed themselves into 1. I can’t seem to finish the endless list of things that need to be done EOD. Then there’s that moment after work each day that I let out a sigh and am thankful for the empty evening ahead only to blink and realize I have to wake up again in 6 hours. How does that happen? I never seem to get done the things that I need.

Want to know one good reason? The TV. I love good shows, funny shows and mindless shows – essentially, I can always find a reason to keep it on. And I’m starting to see the symptoms of addiction. I’m making a pact to myself today – no more than 1 hour per day for the rest of the week. There’s those 2 books I want to finish (Born to Run & Brief Interviews with Hideous Men – I recommend both J), there’s this blog that I want to put a little more effort into, and there’s all these dishes I want to attempt to make. All better ways to use my time, use my brain as they both slip away.