Sunday, October 4, 2009

i put my hands up, they're playin my song

We spent the weekend in New Hampshire. Foliage was beautiful; weather was less than ideal, but the combination of these two factors was fantastic. The rain and low clouds/fog actually accentuated the brilliant colors of the leaves. I was so bummed by the forecast all week, but what a wonderful surprise it brought. This pictures doesn't do it justice in the least; I'll never forget the way it looked and I don't know when, if ever, I'll see it like that again.

We stay 8 of us in a cottage and had an awesome time ziplining in the mountains. There is no way to describe falling backwards off a base and screaming my lungs out as I picked up speed to about 45 mph down the line called White Knuckles (Alpine Adventures - look them up if you want a go at it). It was a fantastic experience, but I think the time I was most thankful for was the almost painful laughs the girls had in the car. We may say we're only co-workers, but I'm not fooled. These girls are so dear to me. So I put my hands up, they're playin my song, the butterflies fly away. Bobbing my head like yea, movin my hips like yea.

And as for this video, I never thought I'd be one to go see a bear ride a bike, but I guess I was wrong. And I never thought I'd be one to be impressed if I ever did... I guess I was wrong. You have to laugh at the simple things like this. It's worth it.

A great weekend.

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