Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Only Time I’m Standing Still

When I’m out running is the only time that I feel like I’m standing still and observing the beauty that surrounds me and processing the things going on in my life.

I’ve found a route about half way between my home and work that goes along tons of beautiful houses – some old and some new, some tiny and quaint, other monstrous and unfathomable. The houses alone keep me entertained with glimpses of the ocean in between, but then there is mile 3, the part I look forward to the most. In mile three I run a solid mile along the waters edge and it is wonderful. Today, it was more breathtaking than ever before. I’ve been going after work and the sun sets about an hour after that so when I hit mile 3, the sky was a blaze of hot pink and the still water of the inlet was like glass reflecting the same beauty. In between were the beautiful houses, green lush yards, Adirondack chairs, private docks and empty boats. I wish I could have captured it and held on somehow, but it’s only in mind.

As I ran along unaware of myself and wrapped up in all I could see, I realized that in all these beautiful houses lived people who own a place where they can witness this same miracle, yet I did not see one of them. All the Adirondacks were empty, all the patios bear. How could you have that opportunity and completely deny it? I fully know that I am guilty of the same sin at other times, but if people could forget about their worries and find the joy and peace that I saw in that sunset today, there would be a lot more happiness in the world.

I’m not sure when I get this opportunity if didn’t run. I want to run, I want born to run – for that hour each day there is no where I would rather be.

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