Thursday, October 1, 2009

Losing Track of Time or just Losing Time

The time passes too quickly. I’ve lived in Connecticut now for MORE than 2 months – not possible, since when?? I’ve had 2 run-ins with new hires at work, but I still feel like I’m the newby. And everyday this pattern of running, working, errands, dinner and chilling out – 24 hours feel as though they have crammed themselves into 1. I can’t seem to finish the endless list of things that need to be done EOD. Then there’s that moment after work each day that I let out a sigh and am thankful for the empty evening ahead only to blink and realize I have to wake up again in 6 hours. How does that happen? I never seem to get done the things that I need.

Want to know one good reason? The TV. I love good shows, funny shows and mindless shows – essentially, I can always find a reason to keep it on. And I’m starting to see the symptoms of addiction. I’m making a pact to myself today – no more than 1 hour per day for the rest of the week. There’s those 2 books I want to finish (Born to Run & Brief Interviews with Hideous Men – I recommend both J), there’s this blog that I want to put a little more effort into, and there’s all these dishes I want to attempt to make. All better ways to use my time, use my brain as they both slip away.

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