Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's today

My mum has asked me what I do to pass the time and I’ve found there’s very little I know to share. Obviously running; it’s one of the few things I fight to keep in my weekly routine. Other than that…ummm? I work, but not crazy hours like some. I read, but not that avidly. I spend time with my friends, but doing what? Well, that’s hard to describe. I try to blog, but that’s once a week during a good phase. I see movies, but only once in awhile. I love to cook, but again, only on occasion do I put a lot of effort into my cooking. Well shoot, I don’t really know what I do and that truth scares me… a large quantity.

I’ve heard it said before that how you spend your days is how you live your life. While it at surface may seem apparent, think about it. Do you do the things that you want to be known for? Does the way you spend your time reflect the person you want to be? I’m really not sure.

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