Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I love the feeling of new beginnings in January. I never really considered myself to be a New Year Resolution kind of person, but this year, I’m particularly in the mindset and am quite enjoying it. There is something so satisfying about setting goals and attaining them. Not just long term; I enjoy making a list of things to get done this week and actually crossing them all off. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I make endless To Do lists at work and never have the time to get to each item – if it can’t be done at work, do it on your own time and just smile to yourself. There is no shame in that.

My goals for this year:
  • Keep writing – write more, write better. I love to write; why the hiatus?
  • Become more financially responsible. First step - pay off my cc debt.
  • Compete in a race – full marathon ideally, but a half at minimum.
  • Experiment in cross training – I know I love to run, but I think I need something else to compliment it.
  • Study and do well on the GMAT.
  • Find a church and go regularly, whatever that means with my schedule.
  • Volunteer my time to a cause outside of work.

I continue to surprise myself. I generally think of goals as more broad life changes (Exhibit A: my resolutions from last year) but as I forced myself to start writing it down very concrete items came to mind. Now that I read them over, I wouldn’t change them; these are things I really want to do, want to accomplish, think will lead me in the path I want to follow. Will keep you posted as I work toward crossing these off my list. Honestly, this looks like a good recipe for success in 2011 for Sarabeth.

As an aside: I hope you enjoy the serious corniness of the entry title. When I thought of it, it was too wonderfully goofy to pass up.

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