Saturday, July 25, 2009

And Expanded

Just as I predicted my world has expanded. Over the course of a very stressful yesterday, my room and kitchen all came together. I drove into town with no bed or dresser, but found one and set it up to sleep soundly in by nightfall.

Do you ever try to picture how things will look in your bed and they turn out completely different than you expected? I’ve been doing shopping here and there while I was still home trying to get ready for my new place. My mom asked me do you picture it like this or like that? What colors do you want? Will this match everything else? It’s kind of stressful to try to figure out, and correct me if I’m wrong, but most of the time we just can’t answer the questions correctly (aka - predict the future).

Luckily, things came out better than I had expected; I now own a lot more (and have more debt…) than I did 2 days ago, but it feels well worth it. And thanking my mother for all her hard work and persistence through a torn rotater cuff is necessary in this moment. Thanks mommy J

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