Monday, July 20, 2009

Time Stood Still

I just got back from a family and friends vacation in Combermere, Ontario. Some people in town claim Combermere is the hub of the universe, but the problem is they have three restaurants, one market, one gas station, a few craft barns and the weekly flea market – hardly the definition of a hub. When we visit we stay in cabins on a friend’s campsite. About the only activities include watersports, fishing, reading, and sitting by the fire.

While it all doesn’t sound like much, spending a week there made me realize it’s what a real vacation should feel like. Every morning I woke up and had no idea what I would do that day, but I also felt no obligation to be anywhere or get anything done. Everyday molded into some combination of waterskiing, reading on the dock, playing Canada Solitaire by the fire, and sharing meals with people I love. Stress and time seemed to be lifted momentarily and all was well in my world.

At every turn we are tempted by elaborate vacation packages in exotic locations in five-star hotels. I hope I never forget that a vacation doesn’t need to be all of these things; sometimes the best getaway is to a place without much to do or see and I found that this week on the bank of the Madawaska River.

Pictures: Dinner with my family, the view of the Madawaska River from our cabin, me warming up on the boat after waterskiing

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