Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Eye of the Storm

There is something relaxing and something frightening about silence. Coming from a home where I was one of a jungle of eight, I’m used to white noise always around me. I’ll crave silence and solitude, but once it’s come, I find it unfamiliarly haunting. So here I am alone after having been around my family for the past couple weeks and I just am not sure what to do with it. I've been talking about being on the cusp of change and its started, but there is still so much more. I've settled into the new place and met a lot of new people, but starting my job still stands just hours before me. What to do with this brief moment? Revel in it, analyze what I think about it, and enjoy it while I have the space all to my onesies and we don’t have cable installed yet. It will all change so soon and I’ll be distracted by some things that pass time but add little value to my life and others that will affect it immensely.

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